Why Don't You Convert? is a collection of twenty-three stories based on true events spanning several decades in the life of the author — from the idyllic early days as a fresh medical graduate in Kashmir, to the trauma of the refugee camps in Jammu. He looks at his subjects not only through the lens of a doctor but also through the prism of a writer, interested in their diseases as much as in the subjects themselves with their myriad physical, psychological and existential problems.
You have the story of a man unable to erase the spit that his father-in-law flings into his face; a young woman caught between the humiliation of rejection and the relentless persuasion to convert; a doctor kidnapped to treat a terrorist in his hideout; a running cricket commentary that brings to life a patient in coma; a pir with magical powers to congeal the blood in the womb of maidens; a dwarfish boy who will stop at nothing to grow tall; an old man who develops intractable hiccups after giving chase to a thief; a bear hug that robs a doctor of his sleep… each story brings alive the human touch as the deft narrative unfolds through scenes and situations, through narratives and dialogues, through drama and suspense, through agony and ecstasy, holding the reader spellbound till the very end.
Dr K L Chowdhury– practicing doctor, medical teacher and researcher – is a household name in Kashmir. Writer, poet, social scientist, reviewer and essayist, he has written extensively on diverse subjects. His poems, essays, diary extracts and short stories have appeared in national and international journals. A recipient of numerous awards including the Best Book Award from the J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, he has published three anthologies, a travelogue and a collection of short stories Faith and Frenzy.
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