A book that presents views of experts on various aspects of Hinduism. The book asserts that to know India, an understanding of/about Hinduism is a must. Dr. S Radhakrishnan said Hinduism is a way of life: this book tries to present exactly that. The present volume brings together under one cover the thoughts of some of the most eminent men and women, erudite scholars, jurists, advocates, diplomats, Ministers, administrators and others.
Some of the contributors include Dr. Karan Singh, Prof HR Bhardwaj, Dr. Kaarthikeyan, Hari Jaisingh and Subhash C Kashyap.
Constitutional law and parliamentary affairs specialist and author of many well-known works, Dr. Subhas C Kashyap had his professional training at Allahabad, New Delhi, Washington DC, Dallas, London and Geneva. He was closely associated with Parliament for over 37 years, right from the first Lok Sabha when Jawaharlal Nehru became the first prime minister and G V Mavalankar the first speaker.
Dr. Kashyap occupied the highest position as Secretary General of Lok Sabha. He was an Honorary Constitutional Advisor to Government of India on laws related to Panchayati Raj institutions. Earlier, he headed the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies. As an international civil servant, he headed the CIDP of IPU at Geneva. Recipient of many distinctions and awards within and outside India, he was also United States Congressional Fellow of APSA, Jawaharlal Nehru Fellow, UNDP Fellow, Fellow of the Academy of American and International Law and so on. Dr. Kashyap is an Honorary Research Professor at the Centre for Policy Research, Advocate - Supreme Court, President - Citizenship Development Society and Rashtriya Jagriti Sansthan and Honorary Editor - South Asia Politics.
Educated in Srinagar (J&K) Delhi and Geneva (Switzerland), Prof Abhaya Kashyap is an international business management and marketing consultant, computer software engineer and currently an advocate and honorary director of Rashtriya Jagriti Sansthan. He has been the director and managing director of several IT companies, director of 750 mw hydropower project, project director of the annual agricultural exhibition. He designed and developed sophisticated software systems in the field of war games, foreign exchange movement simulation, MIS and healthcare. Professor at ICFAI in the field of service management and marketing, Abhaya has written extensively on Vedic Mathematics, IT, Constitutional Law, Electoral Reforms, Hinduism and India Identity.
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