This work, A Bouquet of Random Thoughts, is for all times. It is a collection of thoughts – random thoughts – some big, some short – just like a bouquet that contains an assortment of everything – from leaves and ferns to beautiful flowers – big and small – of varied colours and shades – some with barbs. It is a bouquet, one of its kind – imperfect to an extent – some natural and some deliberate – to mirror humans. Open any page and pick a few thought-provoking thoughts. This book provides the author’s thoughts – about life, humanism, education, gender equality, politics, livability and sustainability of the world – as an assortment of articles, passages, one-liners and poems, wrapped with a number of thoughtful and beautiful illustrations. It should be of interest to all readers, young and old, as it has universal themes.
The author ( Bill K Koul ) is an engineering consultant by profession, a humanist and philosopher by nature, and a writer by passion. He lives in Perth, Australia. He has worked on engineering projects globally. He has previously authored four non-fiction books: 22 YEARS – A Kashmir Story; My life does not have to be unhappy; Issues white-anting India; and Does India need a dictator – to rescue a sinking nation? – all published by Vitasta. On a regular basis, he writes articles on his website (https://billkkoul.com), as well as posts his thoughts on social media, on various topics, such as education, politics, philosophy of life, gender inequality, life and livability etc. He has also written for various newspapers and magazines in India and delivered lectures on Kashmir in Perth.
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