Deeply Disturbing Confessions from Former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Insiders. Former high-ranking CCP officials lift the veil on the Marxist culture that has moulded the thoughts and actions of the Chinese for over seventy years, a culture that has created China’s ‘Walking Dead.’ Filmmaker Kay Rubacek weaves together exclusive interviews with CCP insiders and key government officials into this compelling narrative backed by extensive research and presented with wry humour that gives us a rare peek into the contemporary China of today, a devious and dangerous world built on a foundation of lies, money-lust, and blurred moral boundaries. This book is a warning to citizens of the Free World of what can become of us if we fail to understand the culture and implications of a typical Marxist state.
Kay Rubacek is an award-winning film producer and writer based in America. She has produced over 100 hours of programming for films, television, and other educational platforms, with her works receiving national and international acclaim. As a documentarian, she has researched human rights abuse under communist regimes, and experienced it first-hand when she was imprisoned in Communist China in 2001 for simply holding a banner in support of human rights for the Chinese people. Kay interviewed scores of survivors of communist regimes including perpetrators of crimes in these regimes. Her family escaped communism in Russia in 1918, only to have to escape it once again in China in 1945 when her father was 14. Her husband’s family fled communism in former Czechoslovakia in 1984. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Kay now lives in New York’s Hudson Valley with her husband and two children.
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