About the Book
Is it not quite surprising that there is no atlas of leprosy published from India, probably not a viable one exists in the whole world? India has the highest number of leprosy patients, leprosy comes in the differential diagnosis of a host of skin disorders.
Clinical Leprology is a fascinating subject. It is startling that a single bacillus produces so many clinical variations! Colour Atlas of Leprosy contains photographs of all possible clinical presentations of leprosy, neurological complications, unusual presentations and important differential diagnosis. To make it a comprehensive one, precise history, bacteriology, methods of diagnosis, classifications, complications and treatment of leprosy have been included.
About the Author
Asok Ganguly graduated from Calcutta University in 1981. He stood first in the MD (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology) examination and worked in Hull Royal Infirmary in the UK for some time in 1993. Currently, he is a Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology in Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan and Vivekananda Institute of Medical Science, a postgraduate examiner of different universities, and has been associate editor and reviewer of Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology.
He is a familiar face at many regional, national and international conferences. He delivers lectures and chairs sessions. He has written chapters in books, published more than 50 articles in indexed journals. His subjects of interest include clinical dermatology, Leprology and dermatopathology
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