This refreshing collection of unusual stories reflects the kaleidoscope of experience that seniorhood entails—there’s the single mother overtaken by sudden guilt at the thought of never having told her teenage daughter about her missing father; a 50-something woman who advises her young niece to go ahead and be with her married lover just like she, herself had done all those years ago. Read about the friends who find love again and broach the topic of friends becoming lovers to their respective children, or the mother who slips away to mourn the emptiness of her life, never to return...Each story is a testament to the courage, resilience, and the vibrancy of life that seniors strive to grasp with its myriad twists and turns.
Kusum Choppra, who lives in Ahmedabad has written five books after several years of working as a reporter for national dailies. After what she terms ‘her journalistic mayhem,’ she adopts a mellow, tongue-in-cheek approach in these stories, looking deep into marital and other relationship issues, going into the root cause of so many family and social contretemps.
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