Can Gandhi’s simple life help reduce our carbon imprint? Does a young and impatient population have anything to learn from the Mahatma’s non-violent resistance? Yes, says activist-author Bharat Dogra, answering the question, is Gandhi’s message relevant for 21st century India? In view of the enormity of the ecological crisis, it is important today to speak of an ‘environment space’ within which economic and industrial activity should be contained if it is not to become destructive. For example, GM crops and making wine from tea should be no part of India’s economy. War-preparations are themselves a huge source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This book recalls that Badshah Khan’s Khudai Khidmatgars were from Taliban land. It imagines how peaceful resistance would have been like in Baghdad (from 2003 to 2011). It revisits Vietnam. It calls for an end to use of robot and AI weapons. Can we put our minds to creating a world without war and consumerism? Man over Machine! An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind, said the Mahatma.
Bharat Dogra is a journalist and author who has written extensively on environment, development and welfare issues for over four decades. He is also a leading Peace Activist. His articles and reports on these issues have been published in leading newspapers and journals in India and abroad. He has received several prestigious awards for his writings in English and Hindi. His reports from several remote parts of the country on rural distress and struggles have been well received. On the basis of his wide-ranging experience and research, Bharat Dogra has increasingly argued in recent years that the environmental crisis is now taking the form of nothing less than a survival crisis and the next few years will be crucial for resolving this catastrophe. Some of these concerns were captured in his previous book published by Vitasta: Survival Crisis-Planet in Peril; People’s Response the Only Way Forward. In the present book he has drawn on all this experience to bring out the high relevance of Gandhian ideas and struggles to the most important problems and issues of the 21st century. At present, he is Convener of Save the Earth Now Campaign, with its SED Demand. For more details see: www.bharatdogra.in
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